Blake Barit is an experimental filmmaker, installation artist, sonic explorer, programmer, and educator. He earned his MFA in Media Study in 2024 from The State University of New York at Buffalo and his BFA in Cinema Studies & Moving Image Arts in 2021 from The University of Colorado Boulder. Blake’s early work exists in an experimental space and focuses on 16mm analog chemical processes, the optical printer, and tactile manipulations such as painting, cutting, scratching, and burning. Leaning heavily on the makers of the mid-century avant-garde, this work explores the human interior and its relationship to memory, time, and inner struggle, as well as social commentary and science fiction.
While earning his MFA in Buffalo, Blake expanded his practice to include installation and sound work, as well as leaning more heavily on digital filmmaking techniques. By combining analog and digital working methods, Blake seeks to elucidate the transition to an integrated culture driven by data and the internet while maintaining his previous humanistic pursuits.
Blake also creates black ink drawings and has curated and hosted a monthly 16mm screening series, Emulsified.
You can follow Blake on Instagram, Vimeo, and Soundcloud.